Jeonju Hanji Culture Festival was organized to promote the excellent qualities of hanji (traditional mulberry paper), and the artistic use of it. The festival also aims to become a global festival promoting Korean style to the world.
Jeonju Hanji Culture Festival (전주 한지문화축제) Main Photo
Jeonju Hanji Culture Festival (전주 한지문화축제) Information
📌Address: 20, Hyeonmu 1-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do
😎Sponsor Information 1: Jeonju-si
📞Sponsor Contact 1: • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-63-271-2503
😎Sponsor Information 2: Jeonju Hanji Culture Festival Organizing Committee
📞Sponsor Contact 2: +82-63-271-2503
🕗Event & Performance Times: No info
💭Event & Performance Places: Area of Korea Traditional Culture Arts Center
🌍Event-related Websites: No info
❌Age Restrictions: Open to visitors of all ages
👍Event Booking Places: No info
🔔Place Information: [Train]
Take a train from Yongsan Station to Jeonju Station.
[Express/Interctiy Bus]
Take a bus from Central City Bus Terminal to Jeonju Bus Terminal.
[Local Bus]
Get off at Dongbu Market Bus Stop.
Bus No. 3-1, 7-1, 8-1, 102, 119, 121, 470, 472, 473, 474, 475, 479, 487, 511, 513, 515, 522, 535, 541, 543 or 752
🔔Related Event Information: No info
🔎Program Information: No info
⭕Event Start Dates: 20200918
❌Event End Dates: 20200927
💰Usage Fee: No info
💰Festival Discount Info: No info
🕗Festival Duration: Varies by program
✅Introduction : Jeonju Hanji Culture Festival was organized to promote the excellent qualities of hanji (traditional mulberry paper), and the artistic use of it. The festival also aims to become a global festival promoting Korean style to the world.
✅Programs : – Exhibitions
– Online forum
* Programs and schedule subject to change
Check Jeonju Hanji Culture Festival (전주 한지문화축제) on the Map
Jeonju Hanji Culture Festival (전주 한지문화축제) Various Photos
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