The Korea Travel Expo is a gathering of Korean regional tourism organizations, as well as travel aficionados from all over the world. It is held annually in order to help increase the national tourism volume, information exchanges, travel service quality, and local economies.
Korea Travel Expo (내나라 여행박람회) Main Photo
Korea Travel Expo (내나라 여행박람회) Information
📌Address: 281, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
🎯 함께보면 좋은정보
😎Sponsor Information 1: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
📞Sponsor Contact 1: • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-2-3445-1519
😎Sponsor Information 2: Korea Tourism Association, COEX
📞Sponsor Contact 2: +82-2-3445-1519
🕗Event & Performance Times: 10:00-18:00 (Sunday 10:00-17:00)
💭Event & Performance Places: DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza) Art Hall
🌍Event-related Websites: No info
❌Age Restrictions: No info
👍Event Booking Places: No info
🔔Place Information: No info
🔔Related Event Information: No info
🔎Program Information: No info
⭕Event Start Dates: 20230413
❌Event End Dates: 20230416
💰Usage Fee: 5,000 won (Free if you make advance reservations on the website)
💰Festival Discount Info: No info
🕗Festival Duration: No info
✅Introduction : The Korea Travel Expo is a gathering of Korean regional tourism organizations, as well as travel aficionados from all over the world. It is held annually in order to help increase the national tourism volume, information exchanges, travel service quality, and local economies.
✅Programs : Opening ceremony, exhibitions, events, etc.
Check Korea Travel Expo (내나라 여행박람회) on the Map
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