Seongbuk Global Food Festival Nurimasil (성북세계음식축제 누리마실)

Seongbuk Global Food Festival Nurimasil provides visitors with a chance to enjoy cultures from around the world in one place through food and arts. It is truly an international event open to visitors worldwide to experience unity and learn more about other cultures.

Seongbuk Global Food Festival Nurimasil (성북세계음식축제 누리마실) Main Photo

Seongbuk Global Food Festival Nurimasil (성북세계음식축제 누리마실)

Seongbuk Global Food Festival Nurimasil (성북세계음식축제 누리마실) Information

📌Address: 1, Seongbuk-ro 8ga-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul


😎Sponsor Information 1: Seongbuk-gu

📞Sponsor Contact 1: • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-2-6906-9298

😎Sponsor Information 2: Seongbuk Culture Foundation, Nurimasil Friends, 21 Arts PD

📞Sponsor Contact 2: +82-2-6906-9298

🕗Event & Performance Times: 14:00-20:00 / Varies by program

💭Event & Performance Places: Bunsumaru Fountain, Seongbuk-ro & Seongbuk-dong area

🌍Event-related Websites: No info

❌Age Restrictions: No info

👍Event Booking Places: No info

🔔Place Information: No info

🔔Related Event Information: No info

🔎Program Information: No info

⭕Event Start Dates: 20211112

❌Event End Dates: 20211114

💰Usage Fee: Free

💰Festival Discount Info: No info

🕗Festival Duration: No info

✅Introduction : Seongbuk Global Food Festival Nurimasil provides visitors with a chance to enjoy cultures from around the world in one place through food and arts. It is truly an international event open to visitors worldwide to experience unity and learn more about other cultures.

✅Programs : Check the official website for details

Check Seongbuk Global Food Festival Nurimasil (성북세계음식축제 누리마실) on the Map

Seongbuk Global Food Festival Nurimasil (성북세계음식축제 누리마실) Various Photos

제13회 성북세계음식축제 누리마실 - “그래, 함께 살 궁리“(4)

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