Yeosu Hyangiram Sunrise Festival (여수 향일암일출제)

Hyangiram Sunrise Festival is an annual overnight festival that begins on New Year’s Eve. It takes place at the historic Hyangiram Hermitage, which was built in the year 644. As the New Year’s Day dawns, visitors can witness the sun rise above the horizon from Hyangiram, which literally means “a hermitage facing the sun.”

Yeosu Hyangiram Sunrise Festival (여수 향일암일출제) Main Photo

Yeosu Hyangiram Sunrise Festival (여수 향일암일출제)

Yeosu Hyangiram Sunrise Festival (여수 향일암일출제) Information

📌Address: 70-4, Hyangiram-ro, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do


😎Sponsor Information 1: Yeosu-si

📞Sponsor Contact 1: • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-61-659-4743, +82-1899-2012

😎Sponsor Information 2: Yeosu Hyangiram Sunrise Festival Promotion Committee

📞Sponsor Contact 2: +82-61-659-4743

🕗Event & Performance Times: No info

💭Event & Performance Places: Impo Maeul Village (Hyangiram) Area

🌍Event-related Websites: No info

❌Age Restrictions: None (Visitors of all ages are welcome)

👍Event Booking Places: No info

🔔Place Information: No info

🔔Related Event Information: No info

🔎Program Information: No info

⭕Event Start Dates: 20221231

❌Event End Dates: 20230101

💰Usage Fee: No info

💰Festival Discount Info: No info

🕗Festival Duration: No info

✅Introduction : Hyangiram Sunrise Festival is an annual overnight festival that begins on New Year’s Eve. It takes place at the historic Hyangiram Hermitage, which was built in the year 644. As the New Year’s Day dawns, visitors can witness the sun rise above the horizon from Hyangiram, which literally means “a hermitage facing the sun.”

✅Programs : New Year’s celebrations featuring fireworks, folk street music, wish lighting and many more.

Check Yeosu Hyangiram Sunrise Festival (여수 향일암일출제) on the Map

Yeosu Hyangiram Sunrise Festival (여수 향일암일출제) Various Photos

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