Cheongsong Apple Festival (청송사과축제)

Cheongsong Apple Festival is held in the fall every year to promote the excellent quality of apples grown in the area. Cheongsong has the perfect conditions for the superior taste and quality of apples, being located in a clean environment with a low amount of rainfall and plenty of sunlight. The festival offers various unique events and activities to entertain visitors.

Cheongsong Apple Festival (청송사과축제) Main Photo

Cheongsong Apple Festival (청송사과축제)

Cheongsong Apple Festival (청송사과축제) Information

📌Address: Wolmak-ri, Cheongsong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do


😎Sponsor Information 1: Cheongsong-gun

📞Sponsor Contact 1: • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-54-873-3686

😎Sponsor Information 2: Cheongsong-gun Festival Promotion Committee

📞Sponsor Contact 2: +82-54-873-3686

🕗Event & Performance Times: No info

💭Event & Performance Places: No info

🌍Event-related Websites: No info

❌Age Restrictions: No info

👍Event Booking Places: No info

🔔Place Information: No info

🔔Related Event Information: No info

🔎Program Information: No info

⭕Event Start Dates: 20231101

❌Event End Dates: 20231105

💰Usage Fee: Free

💰Festival Discount Info: No info

🕗Festival Duration: No info

✅Introduction : Cheongsong Apple Festival is held in the fall every year to promote the excellent quality of apples grown in the area. Cheongsong has the perfect conditions for the superior taste and quality of apples, being located in a clean environment with a low amount of rainfall and plenty of sunlight. The festival offers various unique events and activities to entertain visitors.

Check Cheongsong Apple Festival (청송사과축제) on the Map

Cheongsong Apple Festival (청송사과축제) Various Photos

청송사과축제 2019(3)

청송사과축제 2019(5)

청송사과축제 2019(4)

청송사과축제 2019(2)

청송사과축제 2019(1)

청송사과축제 2019(7)

청송사과축제 (1)

청송사과축제 (2)

청송사과축제 (3)

청송사과축제 2019(6)

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