Yeongdeok Snow Crab Festival (영덕대게축제)

Yeongdeok Snow Crab Festival is an annual event that celebrates local snow crabs, which were once served to the kings. Among festival highlights, the Snow Crab Public Auction as well as the snow crab market are the most popular. In addition, visitors can ride a snow crab fishing boat, participate in a snow crab cooking competition, and sample various snow crab dishes for free.

Yeongdeok Snow Crab Festival (영덕대게축제) Main Photo

Yeongdeok Snow Crab Festival (영덕대게축제)

Yeongdeok Snow Crab Festival (영덕대게축제) Information

📌Address: Online


😎Sponsor Information 1: Yeongdeok Snow Crab Festival Promotion Committee

📞Sponsor Contact 1: • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-54-734-0700

😎Sponsor Information 2: Yeongdeok Snow Crab Festival Promotion Committee

📞Sponsor Contact 2: +82-54-734-0700

🕗Event & Performance Times: No info

💭Event & Performance Places: Online platforms

🌍Event-related Websites: No info

❌Age Restrictions: Open to visitors of all ages

👍Event Booking Places: No info

🔔Place Information: [Bus + Taxi]
From Dong Seoul Bus Terminal, take an intercity bus to Yeongdeok Bus Terminal.
From Yeongdeok Bus Terminal, take a taxi for approx. 10 min.

🔔Related Event Information: No info

🔎Program Information: No info

⭕Event Start Dates: 20201201

❌Event End Dates: 20201231

💰Usage Fee: Free

💰Festival Discount Info: No info

🕗Festival Duration: Varies by program

✅Introduction : Yeongdeok Snow Crab Festival is an annual event that celebrates local snow crabs, which were once served to the kings. Among festival highlights, the Snow Crab Public Auction as well as the snow crab market are the most popular. In addition, visitors can ride a snow crab fishing boat, participate in a snow crab cooking competition, and sample various snow crab dishes for free.

Check Yeongdeok Snow Crab Festival (영덕대게축제) on the Map

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