Yongmunsan Wild Plants Festival (양평 용문산 산나물 축제)

Yangpyeong Yongmunsan Wild Plants Festival is held in the Yangpyeong area, famous for clean water and grand mountains. Wild herbs and vegetables harvested from Yongmunsan Mountain were recorded in Donggukyeojiji (Historical Records of the mid-Joseon dynasty) as being presented to the king as the best in the nation.

Yongmunsan Wild Plants Festival (양평 용문산 산나물 축제) Main Photo

Yongmunsan Wild Plants Festival (양평 용문산 산나물 축제)

Yongmunsan Wild Plants Festival (양평 용문산 산나물 축제) Information

📌Address: 526-2, Sinjeom-ri, Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do

🌍Website: www.ypsannamul.co.kr

😎Sponsor Information 1: Yangpyeong-gun

📞Sponsor Contact 1: • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-31-770-2308

😎Sponsor Information 2: Yangpyeong-gun Festival Promotion Committee

📞Sponsor Contact 2: +82-31-770-2308

🕗Event & Performance Times: 10:00-17:00

💭Event & Performance Places: Yongmunsan Tourism Complex

🌍Event-related Websites: No info

❌Age Restrictions: No info

👍Event Booking Places: No info

🔔Place Information: No info

🔔Related Event Information: No info

🔎Program Information: No info

⭕Event Start Dates: 20220422

❌Event End Dates: 20220424

💰Usage Fee: Free

💰Festival Discount Info: No info

🕗Festival Duration: No info

✅Introduction : Yangpyeong Yongmunsan Wild Plants Festival is held in the Yangpyeong area, famous for clean water and grand mountains. Wild herbs and vegetables harvested from Yongmunsan Mountain were recorded in Donggukyeojiji (Historical Records of the mid-Joseon dynasty) as being presented to the king as the best in the nation.

✅Programs : Opening ceremony, busking performance, Welcome to Yongmungol, live radio, wild plant & yangpyeong market, online events, etc.

Check Yongmunsan Wild Plants Festival (양평 용문산 산나물 축제) on the Map

Yongmunsan Wild Plants Festival (양평 용문산 산나물 축제) Various Photos

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